Trusting Our Lord

I love this poem.

Big Sky Buckeye

From Psalm 62:1:  “My soul waits in silence for God only.”

grayscale photo of people raising handsPhoto by Luis Quintero on

Anticipating in faithful silence for the One

From Christ, comes our Salvation He won


God brings deliverance from life’s trials

His steadfast love proclaims and smiles


Witnessing transformation by Christ’s renewing love

Pouring out our daily needs to the Holy Lord above


Witnessing the Apostles in their committed walk

Learning about Jesus as His words openly talk


God delivering His promise, acceptable and good

Trusting in our Heavenly Father, as we all should


As a single body with Christ, persevere in daily prayer

Meditating upon what lies deep inside, our daily cares


Trusting always, we come forth to pray

God standing as our rock, always stout

His fortress never shaken with doubt


Allowing the Holy Spirit, a welcome space to invade

Loving one another, because…

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