Praying The Scriptures Day:25

Day 25

Today’s Prayer Moment is drawn from 1 Cor. 3:1-4.
 Father, we ask that You will enable us to press on to maturity, to grow up, to bear our responsibilities, and to look directly at who we are and where we are and where we are going. Do not let us get sidetracked as we move from the basics to maturity. Especially keep us from becoming proud and from splintering into personality groups. Instead, empower us to maintain our unity in You. I pray this in the name of Christ, our Savior. Amen.

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Leadership Insight from the Maxwell Bible, Day 27

Today’s reading is drawn from James 3:1.

Accountability: Leaders Will Endure a Stricter Judgment

James informs us that leaders and teachers will receive a stricter judgment than other believers when they stand before God. Why? Because of their greater influence.

When a follower makes a mistake, he affects only himself and perhaps his family. When a leader makes a mistake, he affects the many who follow.

The Law of E. F. Hutton reminds us that when the real leader speaks, people listen. This can be both good news and bad news, depending on whether the leader’s words are worth listening to! God promises that those in positions of influence will give account for how they use that influence.

In one sense, God will be a spiritual accountant, the heavenly C.P.A., calling leaders to answer for how they used the resources He gave them. At the judgment seat of Christ we will be required to give an account for what we did with our lives and our influence.

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Day 24: Spiritual Gifts

Today’s reading is drawn from Ephesians 4:4-8.

EVERY BELIEVER IN CHRIST has a never-ending reserve of spiritual wealth, and it is all for the common good of the body. This wealth is revealed in the exercise of one’s spiritual gifts. Ephesians 4:4-8 sets the stage at Christ’s victorious resurrection and the days that followed. We can pin-point His ascension as the time when He “gave gifts to his people” (Eph. 4:8).

A spiritual gift is a skill or ability that enables a Christian to perform a function in the body of Christ with ease and effectiveness. That last part is important—exercising your gift comes with a great measure of ease, and when you use it, good things happen. It is ­effective. It doesn’t fall flat.

Let me clarify three things. First, spiritual gifts are given by the Lord, not some other Christian. Learning from fine Christian teachers doesn’t mean you will get their specific gifts, even if they lay hands on you. The Lord gives all good gifts.

Second, these gifts are spiritual in nature. You may be a wonderful salesperson, but sales is not a spiritual gift that God has given you—the church is not about selling anything. The function of a spiritual gift is to build up of the body of Christ.

Third, spiritual gifts are part of who you are in Christ. You don’t strive for them, and no one has to drag you kicking and screaming into the area of your gift. If you have the gift of mercy and you hear that someone you know is really hurting, you just can’t stay away. You feel compelled to bring comfort. Or if you have the gift of teaching the Scriptures, you can’t wait for the hour to come to explain them to others. You’re happy to do the homework thoroughly, and your delivery is effective. Your use of any of your spiritual gifts can be improved with the passing of time, but the essential impulse to use them comes easily and has a good effect.

Now, let me warn you of two dangers: The first is living your life not knowing what your gifts are. Sadly, if that’s true for you, you’ll never know God’s best for you. It is a tragedy that some people live their whole lives in the family of God and die not knowing that they were gifted and would have easily and effectively been able to make a contribution to the cause of Christ.

The second danger is not exercising your gift once you know what it is. I can’t think of anything more tragic than knowing that you have a gift and then neglecting it or putting it aside.

Except for hearing about Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for me when I gave my heart to the Savior, the greatest truth I have ever uncovered is the truth of spiritual gifts. It settles the issue of competition. It takes away the confusion regarding what I’m supposed to do with my life. It once and for all frees me from the guilt of not having all the gifts. You are responsible for the gifts you have been given and the exercise of them, but not for being gifted in every area.

[call out text: Exercising your gift comes with a great measure of ease, and when you use it, good things happen.]

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